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A State-by-State Mother’s Day Wish List

Mike J. DaviesBy Mike J. Davies Editor in Chief at Casinos.US Updated: 04/23/2024
Mike J. Davies Mike J. Davies Editor in Chief at Casinos.US See Full Bio

Mike is our Senior Editor and experienced gambling strategist. A former hockey player, he transitioned to the casino industry after finishing his B.A. in English. Blackjack systems, online casino guides, gambling terms, and more – Mike is familiar with all fine points of gambling.

A happy mother holding her young, smiling son at the beach.

Although motherhood is far from the easiest job in the world, gifting for it is not straightforward either.

The truth is, mothers have both the most difficult and rewarding job in the world, playing various roles separately and all at once: diaper changers, cheerleaders, chefs, chauffeurs, teachers.

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, many of us are racking our brains to find the perfect gift (no pressure) that truly expresses our gratitude and love for all the ways moms, well, mom. But finding that ideal gift can sometimes feel like cracking a secret code.

Fortunately, we’ve got some intel that might help you decipher what your mom wants most – without her having to ruin her own surprise.

Key Takeaways

  • Family outings are the preferred Mother’s Day gift for 35% of moms, emphasizing the value of quality time.
  • 58% of moms deem physical gifts unimportant, favoring experiences or personal interactions instead.
  • Moms prioritize relaxation and feeling appreciated, with half valuing family time the most on Mother’s Day.
  • Most moms (90%) do not expect Mother’s Day recognition from outside the family, and 87% wouldn’t be upset by a lack of social media posts.
  • While traditional gifts like flowers and chocolates are appreciated by some, nearly a third of moms prefer more personalized gifts – or none at all.

Beyond Flowers: Unveiling What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day

It may sound cliché, but the thing most moms want for Mother’s Day really isn’t a thing at all – it’s to have a day (maybe several!) that makes them feel valued and respected for all they do for us and in the world.

  • Family outing (35%):Family is, of course, at the heart of Mother’s Day. Whether it’s a picnic in the park, a day at the beach, or a fun-filled adventure at a local attraction, the majority of moms don’t care what they’re doing – as long as they’re doing it with family.
  • Chore-free day (12%): For a lot of moms, a day when the laundry is magically done, dishes wash themselves, and the vacuum is untouched is like a mini-vacation, allowing them to relax and enjoy some much-needed downtime.
  • Alone time (11%) or spa day (11%): Moms appreciate moments of solitude on their special day – which are often few and far between – to unwind and pamper themselves. Whether it’s a quiet afternoon reading a book with everyone out of the house or indulging in a solo spa treatment, these self-care moments are treasured.
  • Weekend getaway (10%): A short escape from daily routines is a dream come true for some moms, as a weekend getaway offers a refreshing change of scenery and quality time with family, friends, and themselves.

An infographic displaying what moms really want for Mother's Day by state.

State-by-State Mother’s Day Rundown

With a variety of preferences across states, let’s see how these Mother’s Day wishes vary nationwide.

California follows the national trend with family outings as the top choice for Golden State moms. Whether it’s a trip to Disneyland or a beach day, Californian moms love spending time with their families. This same sentiment is shared by moms in a wealth of other states, including Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Virginia, all of whom picked family outings as their preferred Mother’s Day gift.

Moms in Arizona, Delaware, Oregon, and Alaska seek relief from daily tasks – which can often seem endless for mothers – with a chore-free day. No folding, scrubbing, or cooking for these moms would be absolutely dreamy.

Nebraska moms cherish alone time, as well as those in both North and South Dakota. Even though these states are a bit off the beaten path to begin with, don’t kid yourself: mom would still love for you to let her do her thing alone that day.

A massage and pedicure, anyone? Alaska, Idaho, and Montana moms have their sights set on spa days, indulging in some well-deserved pampering – perhaps because there aren’t regular chances to do so nearby otherwise.

And for the spontaneous moms out there in Missouri, Tennessee, and Washington, a weekend getaway sounds divine, perhaps envisioning a cozy cabin retreat or a weekend at the lake in May sunshine.

Believe it or not, what moms in Alabama and Vermont want most is just a regular ol’ day – which we’re hoping is because they already get showered with love regularly throughout the year!

In A Perfect (Mother’s Day) World

When it comes to the ideal Mother’s Day showings of love, a home-cooked feast they didn’t have to prepare themselves is the top “meal” choice for 43% of moms – because, naturally, food tastes even more delicious when you don’t have to work to make it happen!

As for the ideal activity, a relaxing day at home takes the cake for 41% of moms, and 42% said they’d much prefer low-key, close-knit recognition than some sort of party or larger gathering.

A surprising 58% of moms said it’s not important, with 41% feeling meh about them and 30% saying they’d love any gifts they received. And what gift do they appreciate the most? A lovely experience with their children and family, of course. I’m not crying – you’re crying.

Of course, what really matters to moms is spending quality time with family and efforts to make her feel truly appreciated. In fact, for 50% of moms, making memories with family on her special day is the most essential aspect, followed by feeling appreciated at 36%. That said, an overwhelming majority (90%) of mothers say they don’t expect recognition from people outside their family, and 87% said they wouldn’t be hurt at all if their kids or partner did not post on social media.

A Perfect Day

So, what’s the key to the perfect Mother’s Day? It seems like the secret sauce is a mix of quality time, appreciation, and thoughtful gestures – all of which look different from mom to mom. You might consider letting her in on some of your plans, as 49% of moms prefer a mix of surprises planned by others and having some choices in how the day goes. After all, it wouldn’t be Mother’s Day without mom having a say!

Whether it’s a heartfelt card, a homemade meal, or just a simple “thank you,” what moms really want is to feel loved, appreciated, and cherished for their unconditional love and unwavering efforts on their special day. Make it a point this May to show your mom just how much she means to you. After all, she deserves it!


This survey was completed in April 2024 by 2,000 American mothers with a median age of 47 years old.

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