No Need for Masks in Las Vegas Casinos

Jerry SmithBy Jerry Smith Staff Writer Updated: 02/23/2022
Jerry Smith Jerry Smith Staff Writer See Full Bio

Jerry’s greatest advantage is his extensive experience on the casino floor. His time as a casino manager taught him everything about what makes a player tick. Besides being a skilled poker player, he has deep knowledge of all live table games and gambling regulations in the US.

Happy People Taking Their Masks Off No Need for Masks

Last week saw the mask mandate in casinos in Las Vegas come to an end. As a result of the mandate being rescinded, people no longer have to wear a mask in casinos or public places, although those who feel safer wearing a mask are still able to do so.

Businesses can also use their discretion as to whether they want to eliminate the need for masks or whether they wish to continue the requirement.

There are some casinos and other businesses that may still insist on patrons wearing masks, just to be on the safe side.

There may also be many people visiting casinos who decide that they want to wear a face covering. However, as of last week, it is no longer a legal requirement, which means that people can enjoy a little more freedom when they are out enjoying themselves.

Requirements in Local Jurisdictions

The announcement regarding wearing masks in Las Vegas casinos was released last week by the Nevada Gaming Control Board. In its statement, the board announced:

Individuals are no longer required to wear a mask in public indoor settings in licensed gaming establishments.

The news will be welcomed by many of those who have been forced to wear masks over the past couple of years since the outbreak of the global pandemic. However, for many others, it could cause concerns, as many have come to view masks as a means of increasing protection for themselves and others.

It has been pointed out that despite the lifting of the mandate, mask requirements may vary from one jurisdiction to another. Those visiting casinos and similar venues must, therefore, comply with the rules based on the jurisdiction they are in.

In addition, the NGCS has stated that it will continue to monitor casinos in Las Vegas and across the state to ensure that best practices are being adhered to in order to reduce COVID-19 transmission risks.

A Long and Difficult Road

It has been a long and difficult road for casinos both in Las Vegas and across the country. Just short of two years ago, casinos were forced to close for several months as a result of the first wave of the pandemic sweeping the country.

Despite being able to open again in the run-up to summer, casinos were still placed under stringent restrictions. There were many new measures put into place to increase hygiene, sanitize areas, and ensure social distancing, among other things. The wearing of masks was another measure that was brought in to help reduce risks.

Operating at reduced capacity was something else that casinos were required to do after reopening, and many facilities within the venues had to remain closed. This has had a huge impact on casino operations and finances, which are still being felt by all casinos today.

Over the past two years, there have been a lot of regulation changes in line with spikes and falls in infection levels. However, with omicron on the decline, many areas are now reducing or scrapping many COVID-19 restrictions.

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